
Well the college kids attacked my crp today:) Me and my brother decided to park on the hill and watch. Maybe we could learn something from these teeagers:D Well after a bunch of grunting at each other they headed out. The line that most hunters form wasn't there more like a circle. And paying attention to the dogs was nonexisting(one dog really like to run way out in front.). Which led to alot of birds flying off:D They did manage to corner one and shoot a bunch of shells at it but nothing:mad: Well I guess that means more for me:thumbsup: Not the greatest report I know but there are birds:thumbsup:
I can picture the two brothers that are grinning ear to ear as those boys worked that piece of crp!:)

I have always derived more enjoyment from introducing others to the sport and the experiences with our youngest son. Those moments are priceless as was your experience yesterday.:)

Make sure you give those boys some grief about their hunting/shooting skills at Christmas dinner!:p

Yes they can hunt out there. One was from Montana he was having allittle trouble with the hen rooster thing:) I liked his comment at the end you shoot at small game here. Where I live games really big and if you miss it eats you:eek::D