SW Kansas


New member
I'm headed for the far SW corner of the state this weekend. I've hunted around the Fowler and Meade area before but never the Hugoton area. Is the terrain the same? Should I be concerned about my dogs feet? I've just always heard its pretty arid country down that way and was wondering about sand burrs and such.
I've been hearing good things about the bird numbers down that way this year. I'll be hunting private land with 4 guys and several gsp's and think we are staying somewhere in Hugoton. Anyone have any insight on the general condition of the cover down there?
FLAT, DRY and sand burrs shouldn't be much of a problem.The grain fields and corners shouldn't slow you down much. Around the edges and shoulders of the roads prbably have the most burrs. There aren't as many canyons, creeks, rolling areas as where you are coming from around Meade. Its not hard to hunt if you don't mind the big fields and the industrial size walking. Lots of irrigation and stubble. The locals drive like NASCAR. Watch your dogs when they get near the road. Some good people, you should have a good time.
FLAT, DRY and sand burrs shouldn't be much of a problem.The grain fields and corners shouldn't slow you down much. Around the edges and shoulders of the roads prbably have the most burrs. There aren't as many canyons, creeks, rolling areas as where you are coming from around Meade. Its not hard to hunt if you don't mind the big fields and the industrial size walking. Lots of irrigation and stubble. The locals drive like NASCAR. Watch your dogs when they get near the road. Some good people, you should have a good time.

Thanks for the info! I'm looking forward to the trip and getting the pup out again. The last few times ive been out just around home and have been getting into quail so need to get the pup on some more pheasant. Leaving my Lab at home this trip. He's gonna be pissed!
If you got room you better take that Lab. It's perfect hunting that tall grass etc with a Lab.
Lots of sandburrs around the corn edges. Not so bad in the grass corners.
Unless it has rained since a week ago today it is VERY dry. Tough sent conditions for the dogs.

Bird numbers pretty decent but flushing wild.

lots of sandburrs around the corn edges. Not so bad in the grass corners.
Unless it has rained since a week ago today it is very dry. Tough sent conditions for the dogs.

Bird numbers pretty decent but flushing wild.


thanks bob, looks like they may have got a little moisture a few nights ago. Havent checked the wx for the weekend yet.
I would plan on booting up the dog. I found sand burrs to be a big pain in the butt in that area. Of course depends on where you hunt, but the areas around corn fields, which is where I hunted primarily, were full of them.
i read where 2/3 of the wheat hasn't come up yet due to dry weather...gulp

true- for the dry land farmers- sand burrs are everywhere- you think you have a tough dog- you'll think otherwise- some farmers spray for them some don't- so some places your dog can't be on the ground for 10 min before it'll be walking at your side- some places- a few burrs don't stop the dog- I've watched guys carry their dog off the field

don't bet dogs can't scent in dry conditions-

dry as all get out- but I still get pictures of mine locked up on roosters and hens- I carry two water bottles with me all the time- and have a cooler at the vehicle- you have a hard running dog and the temperature is above 60- you better have water for it- and I'm talking quite a bit every hour and a half

mine drink out of a bottle- we share
put a little vasaline or a squirt of nasal spray up th nose and it does wonders for the dogs

hi gove- I've had a Brtt start to lap up sand on the road- because for over two hours in 70 degrees he couldn't find any water- I can give you the name of the guy who witnessed it- I carried him 1/4 mile to the vehicle-

nope- if there is no water like in dry country- unless your dog trotts or walks- 2 hours in 70 degrees you are damaging your dog- might kill it like in the Dakotas a few years back- even 50 degrees there aren't many dog that can run very long without water-

forget the gimics- you'll kill a dog with wheels if you don't have plenty of water available
The trip to the sw was a productive one even though the private land fell through. We stuck with the walk ins and had a great time. Bird numbers are good as well as the sand burr numbers. The first field was a bit discouraging as about 4 flights of 15+ birds were flushing in waves at the end of the field into private land, but was still fun to see, and certainly got the blood pumping. Saturday was definitely windy and tough on the dogs to find em, but the phez didn't hear us coming and got some pretty decent shots at em.
Sunday was nice and cold and wind was light and birds were real jumpy, but still managed to get a couple. Our group of 4 got 6 birds in total for the weekend. It was definitely one of those grind it out kind of weekends but was very enjoyable and was good to get the young pups on some birds. All the guys that went are members here too!
here's a pic with my 11 month old pup from Saturday

A few pics from that hunt. Hard work but worth it. Got to have 3 brothers from the litter hunt together, good times. Thanks Wes! click pics for larger version.



Bently, not happy about her pic being taken. Typical woman, lol

Tired pups
Lol Champ and Bently were lookin the same as Mac and Tank that night. It took Champ a few days to get back to piss and vinegar.