surprise- hawk flys in fir a kill



sitting here and see something fly in and crash against the quail cage-
Britt's are at the window- I move them away- cool- hawk gets up and flies and sits- sharp eyes must have missed that the quail are in an enclosed cage- dang fella sat there for over 10 min-

thought you might enjoy-
why the three different cages shadow why not just 1 continuouse I like the setup just wondereing
good point GCB- but you see- those two are - 1 is 8' long, 1 is 4' long- it's where the pairs layed eggs- I gathered and put in the incubator- hatched and raised in the house untill they were old enogh to go outside-

yeah- wife was real happy- quail chicks hatching-quail chicks chirping- so I sort of took over the spare bedroom- me, the Britt's and the quail chicks-
went on for a couple months- me and the Britt's sort of have the spare bedroom- you see- to this day we think these quail are pets- dumb Britt's- first time the other week they got into wild quail and weren't sure if they should point or what

oh- to the left is the big pen- some 60 or so in it

you would be impressed- hunters come by- stop by- "any quail arround" I walk then to my quail cages- "wow- big quail, you going to let them loose"

after the hunting season- not happy with the hunters killing off my farm covey last opening

hawks, cats, coyotes, are interested- this fella flew into the cage- pretty neet to see a hawk swoop down claws extracted- crash to the ground and then perch there- like- dinner- what's up- head swiveling- very interested in what's right there

couple cats that I'm about ready to put traps out for
POOOF!!!! what cat

True . . . .204 Ruger makes an impressive "POOF," also . . .
We were hunting in SW KS over Thanksgiving weekend. Flushed a covey of quail. Hawk took off after one. Got w/in about a foot of the quail and the quail dove into the cover. We walked up there where we thought it went in. Never did flush it. I guess it had enough excitement for one day. Cool thing to watch.
You should have yelled at that hawk, "hey, it's not falconry season yet you moron!" :D

Nice photo, by the way :coolpics:
Last year, we had a hawk swoop in on a covey rise and snatch a quail right out of the air! We were all just slack jawed! When we got to the plumb thicket that the hawk landed in, we found the feathers from where he ate his treat. Just absolutely amazing! I couldn't believe how fast it all occurred! Too damn many hawks and owls. Although I do love watching the owls swooping through the trees at dawn while deer and turkey hunting. Amazing how they make NO noise at all!
