Sunday 1/15


New member
So I am heading out alone tomorrow morning. I've got a hard hunting lab that I'm taking and am wondering if there was anyone out there that wanted to meet up. I'm looking at starting around Yuma and working my way south and east towards Burlington. Let me know if any of y'all are out there and would like to meet up.

Thanks for the invite, unfortunately Ive already burned up my allotted day for hunting yesterday. We had mixed results, look for them in mature crp and strip wheat, thats where we found them yesterday, of course today's weather is another scenario entirely.
Well we saw plenty of birds, but nothing that was in shooting range or in Walk In Access. It seemed like most of the birds were in corn stubble, and they could see us coming from a mile away and were jumping 100-150 yards out. Saw plenty of birds on the roads too, just always next to no hunting signs on private property. Roads got pretty dangerous too, crazy icy. I'll probably head out next weekend if anyone wants to join, not sure what day yet.