Summer Pheasants


Well-known member
I was driving along a CREP field to the back section and I saw a rooster in the grass. A hen flushed and then I got one quick picture with my phone.


I used to see two hens running around together with the rooster but I have not seen the 2nd one for a couple weeks now.
You're quick with that phone! Hopefully there's some chicks in the mix out there:thumbsup:
No way I could pull off a picture like that with my little old phone. lol. Good to see those birds still around.

Strange...I heard crowing VERY early, then very little!

Has anyone seen or heard the quail?
It was 58 degrees on Sunday morning so I ran the dogs before getting ready for church. Blitz had a find in the switch grass early on the run:


Eventually a rooster ran out of the field and flushed. At the same time a hen flushed out of the bean field along with a dozen doves. Blitz had one more point but I'm not sure what was in the field. Could have been a rabbit or deer but I didn't see anything.


No signs of chicks yet but I'll keep looking. It would be nice if the weather stayed cool but that is about to change.
Nice work! :thumbsup: We have some hot days ahead for sure, but it won't be long.
The ticks sure do out number the pheasants. I find 1-3 ticks on each dog after running them for 20-30 minutes in the morning.
How are you pheasant freaks doing over the summer? I am still spraying weeds and getting ready to do some mowing in August. A couple of the big switchgrass fields we planted two years ago are looking great. No matter what we do, it takes three years to get good switch fields. Our food plots are so-so as we planted them when it was pretty wet. We had a tough time getting them in the ground because of the rain amounts this spring.
How are you pheasant freaks doing over the summer?

I'm looking forward to some cooler weather later this week. The summer has not been too bad but I don't care for the heat. I hope to get the dogs out a little bit more this week. I have been seeing some holdover birds close to home but no chicks this year. It will also soon be time to get the quail for the JH and start tuning the dogs up.

I plan to meet with the NRCS office later this week to talk about a CREP area close to home. I'm trying to set up a Rx Burn for next spring for about 10 acres of warm season grass. I've been told that it has been added to the contract but I want to make sure we are all on the same page.

This is also the time of year to start setting up youth hunts through the PGC. The paperwork has been sent in and I should hear back from the PGC in a week or so.

The food plot we planted is coming in nicely for just a broadcast seeding and no spraying. It does have milkweed mixed in but that doesn't bother me. The insects sure like that stuff. We did a mix of sunflower and sorghum.
The area a couple of weeks ago:

And last week:

There is a raspberry patch in the middle that I left standing.

A few members of our PF chapter were able to get out and shoot some sporting clays on July 4th and I hope to do it again soon.

Good luck with your switchgrass. I hope to hear good brood reports sometime this summer. Any word on how the nesting has been in your area?
Summer is tough on us pheasant freaks! :( It's been strange, in some of our old areas that have been holding birds for years, it seems like they have vanished! I haven't written them off yet...but it's strange. :confused:

I helped in a project that I've been waiting for 35 years to get to. The planting of blight resistant American Chestnut trees. We planted over 1,000 trees at the Milford Ex. Forest. It was really special for me to hold these seeds.

We did hear some Roosters up by Pheasant Camp, and the locals even said they have seen some broods!:thumbsup:

In NJ, at some of the spots that have wild birds, we heard some crowing VERY early, then NOTHING! It was as if the birds got lock-jaw!

Plan on doing some skeet shooting, maybe this weekend, not that I need it!;) :cheers:
Got a report of pheasant chicks with one of the hens today. The guy said he's been seeing 4 chicks with the hen in the morning.