

New member
finally looks like spring:cheers: snow is almost gone. geese are already pairing up. lots of geese heading north and ducks also. seeing lots a pheasants now, they seem to have made it thru winter ok. my goldfish pond is also totally ice free and they all survived also. whats it like in the dakotas? are any lakes opening up yet?
So nice to have bare ground. Wildlife came through the Winter very good up here. Turkeys and deer are in good shape. [lots of good Winter food]:thumbsup:
Our pheasants didn't do to well. [dang yotes]
at last i have finally seen captian coots sure sign of spring. the coot have emerged from the mud and are infesting our wetlands.
at last i have finally seen captian coots sure sign of spring. the coot have emerged from the mud and are infesting our wetlands.

Glad to see you noticed the coot blackcloud. As you can see my masterful managing of the coots is paying big dividends:) Now if I could only get people to join the greatest club on earth coots unlimited:)
Reports yesterday from Mitchel SD area, there were many thousand Snows and Blues there already.

I just talk to a friend today, he told me his grandson was hunting in SD this week and saw thousands of snows and blues, but could not get them to come in their decoys. anybody else snow goose hunting ??
I just talk to a friend today, he told me his grandson was hunting in SD this week and saw thousands of snows and blues, but could not get them to come in their decoys. anybody else snow goose hunting ??

I probably would be but SD makes it almost impossible for Non-res to shoot geese.
i don't know how crazy every body else's weather is ,down here in oklahoma last friday it was 72 then saturday dropped to 32 and started snowing, woke up sunday to my pager going off at 5am to go to my work at the hospital and start shoveling snow, we ended up getting A FOOT of snow:eek: it was coming down faster than we could clear the sidewalks and ER entrance and then monday afternoon it was 60 and today almost 70 again , crazy oklahoma weather don't know if i should get more hay for the cows or start the garden and get ready for turkey season:confused:
Expecting 12-18 tonight, but it will not stick around long. Already have 6-8 inches on the ground and the kids are hoping for a snow day. Had to go out and shake the trees earlier because they were bent in half. March is are snowiest month though. Hard to shovel because it is so wet.
In MN we have done pretty good with the snow run off. Anywhere theres a river the water is high (nothing new) but the rest of the land around me looks good. The lake our cabin is on has a river tied to it so every spring the water level gets pretty high. Where the ice is that would be the normal start of the lake. I mow around the trees in the summer.

oh oh oh can i join...please:)

You bet rubberducky all are welcome to join coots unlimited. To save money for the coots unlimited, members need to make there own window decals. Its simple just take a black piece of paper cut it out like a coot and put a white beak on it.
I was happy to see last fall coot numbers were way higher then ducks. We had a grand total of 10 ducks migrate though DNR called it 40000000 I think.

Thanks again for joining coots unlimited:)