spring or summer?


New member
calender says march 19. we have had 4 days in a row of 80 degree weather in north iowa. clear lake has had a very early ice out the water temp is already 48-50 degrees. boy has been hammering the walleye. we went wading tonight and got caught in 2 different thunderstorms. warm rain felt nice we were in short sleeve shirts in march!!!! soaking wet and it felt great. we would of had an easy limit if we would learn to set the hook:mad: there are already some geese setting. i have daffidils blooming in the flower beds and they are not along foundation of house either. last week i counted 47 bald eagles on the marsh feeding on dead carp. have never seen such a massive migration of waterfowl as i saw 2 weeks ago. every kind of duck and goose imaginable were on clear lake and nearby marshes. will have to mow lawn end of the week after todays rain. feels like may or june. trees are leaving out also. buddy went turkey scouting sat. flocks are already broke up and scattering out. season is still 3 weeks away!!! toms are already breeding hens. what will first season be like with out henned up toms. on the down side ticks are already out and so are the mosquitos. kind of scared about what summer could be like with all this dry weather and heat so early in the season.
Yah hey.

Almost unsettling weather. High winds, June/July temps, greening and budding everywhere...can't help but speculate on what is to come...be it heat, lack of rain, or back to "normal" climate if the jet stream moves back to where we are accustomed to having it.

Have been wanting to go after a late season doe (can hunt in Control Zone until end of March), but actually worried about hanging a carcass in the shed in this weather. I will process her myself, and usually take two days or more to do the table-top packaging. Nights are too warm for me to be comfortable doing so.

Have a side bet with a friend on which neighboring farmer will "break" and take a chance on 6 week early planting. There's two men who compete to have first crop in the ground and first hay crop out. Oddly, they're father and son. :)

Already had a few uncontrolled burns, where folks were "just going to burn off this brush" and it got out of control.

Can only hope things even out throughout the year.

God Bless Us Everyone, said Tiny Tim. :)
dandilions are blooming already. saw a snapping turtle crossing road today also. in march????? watched 7 muskies spawn in clear lake today. one female was about 42 inches other was around 40. they were laying in 1 foot of water. males were all tore up.
today i saw an unbelivable sight. i was golfing with my wife and she put one i a sand trap on # 11. when we got to the sand trap we saw a sight that totally floored us. baby TURTLES were hatching and crawling out of the trap:eek: turtle eggs hatching on april 15 in north iowa. :eek: that seems awfully early to me.
today i saw an unbelivable sight. i was golfing with my wife and she put one i a sand trap on # 11. when we got to the sand trap we saw a sight that totally floored us. baby TURTLES were hatching and crawling out of the trap:eek: turtle eggs hatching on april 15 in north iowa. :eek: that seems awfully early to me.

Wow!! That is early!!! I have only seen Snappers here hatch and that was during Opener of Dove in Sept....!! We finally had Spring Today!!!! Sunny, then a snow squall, then sunny, then another squall, this happened 4 times!!! Makes the day a little interesting!!!! Beats the 80 degree crap for weeks and no moisture!!!:cheers:
Ya, go a head and brag about your warm weather. It's 3:00AM and near Blizzard conditions here in northern Minnesota. We have tree's blown down from the high winds and are on the Hwy and I'm starting a fire in the wood stove. Saying this SUCKS is putting it mildly.