Spring has sprung--new habitat projects


New member
Well it's spring--at least by the calander--not so much the weather.:confused:

I got my food plot seed out today and here is what I will be planting, a mix of

1.White Grain Sorghum at 59.94%
2. Hybrid Forage Sorghum at 14.96%
3. Horizon White Proso Millet at 14.99%
4. Macan Bucketwheat at 9.8%
5 . and inert stuff at .31% LOL:rolleyes:

Should be enough to do about 15 acres.:D
Might try for a little corn if I can get a deal on it.

What is everone else planing for this year?

I'm also going to let 25 acres just go into fallow and only spot spray for THISTLE as needed
Biologist said I needed to put in beans and sorghum for food plots. Have seven 400 ft x 40 ft areas adjacent to switchgrass to plant and can mix that up. Might also have to replant about a mile of firebreaks. Money may be tight, so fp's are the priority. Plan on burning 1/3 as weather permits, and will also have to deal with thistle:mad: THINK SPRING!!!

How did you come up with your mix and what does it provide that you like? I am fairly new to planting sorghum as last year was my first attempt. I planted Pheasant Forever’s Long Tail Milo which came in fine but is pretty short in stature and I don’t think provides enough cover. I was thinking of trying their Nebraska mix this year. One problem I am having is there is not allot of seed available around me. I’m in west central Minnesota about 20 miles north of Alexandria. Do you get any type of seed head out of your Forage sorghum or do you just use that for cover?

I still have over 36” of snow at my place, hopefully it melts soon.

Thanks much,
I'm trying it new this year--it's a mix made for a PF chapter (by millborn seeds --Broolings SD)--they had some left so I bought it.:D If we get rain this year I hope it will provide late season and winter food and cover--time will tell:). Hope you have success in your plantings. I'm going overboard this year with plans for tress--CRP --food plots---pollinator patch and a wild flower area.:eek: I recently moved back to the family farm and hope to have a much better chance to make it all work. As I said time will tell.:cheers:
Thanks SDJIM,

I have looked at Millborn and like what I see there. I might have to call those folks and see what they have. Is your seed Concept treated? I would like a mix that maximizes food and provides great winter cover. I have never planted forage sorghum but I also wondered what kind of seed head they produce.

Good luck with your plantings, spring will be hear soon.