Spring birds


Well-known member
I took the dogs out to see what kind of birds we could find. It didn't take long and Blitz had a rock solid point in the remains of the food plot. (I'm not too bright sometimes and I didn't bring the good camera)


I switched to phone to video as I walked up.

For some reason I must have bumped my phone on the flush and it stopped recording. We moved to where the bird flushed and the dogs picked up scent on the edge of the woods. The bird was running and I took this video:

I moved into the woods where the pheasant flushed from and we finally had our first woodcock flush. I couldn't get a picture but this is the area it came from.

It was at this time that the battery in my camera died. Too bad because before I was done we found another woodcock, 9 deer and 2 more roosters. There were a lot of cardinals using the food plot as well. Next time I'll remember the good camera. No sign of the quail :(
Looks like the dogs had a good run. Are the Roosters crowing in your area yet?
I have not heard any crowing yet. My best chance will be this weekend since I'll start fishing in the area. Last year I heard crowing from roosters and singing from bobwhite's. I think the bob's start a little later than the roosters.
I have not heard any crowing yet. My best chance will be this weekend since I'll start fishing in the area. Last year I heard crowing from roosters and singing from bobwhite's. I think the bob's start a little later than the roosters.

I think it depends on the area, one area I heard birds crowing 3 weeks ago and yet in another area that I know has birds, not a peep.

I hope you hear those quail. Did you ever think about extending the JH later into the spring? I think that one year you brought them through the winter...correct?
I did keep the quail in the JH over the winter one year. I had to make a visit every day to the pen to put in fresh water since my water tube would freeze. I don't have as much time with all the other activities going on to make a daily stop. I may try to keep the quail in the closest JH over the winter this coming year but I'll release the ones in the back JH sometime in late fall. I need to do some repairs to the JH's before I'm ready to get the quail this summer.