South Dakota?


New member
Hello Again,
My friend and I are interested in planning a wknd trip to South Dakota this year. Neither of us have been so at first it seems like a daunting task to find a place with cheap lodging, local bars, and good access to public land. I don't expect anyone to give out their favorite hunting spots but if any of you folks would help point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Hmmm, an early hunt to SD...finding an inexpensive motel could be a challenge. And, hunting public land early may be futile, if much of the corn hasn't been harvested.

Can you research what part of the state you want to hunt? Maybe reviewing the brood survey that's published this month may help you. Also, the State of SD publishes a directory of public/walk-in land. Go to their web site for more info.

Good luck. Post your progress when you have a moment.
We had good luck near Chamberlain last year. We actually hunted closer to Kimball but stayed in Chamberlain. We went Wed-Sat the week after opener to avoid some of the crowds. MN crops were nearly all down by then however SD still had about 50 percent standing. It was spotty all day long then we would have really good luck in the last hour of sunlight. Don't be afraid to try ditches where corn had been or is being cut. BTW we were hunting public.

Good luck
So Dak

I have found the last weekend in oct seems to be less crowded and rooms easier to find Birds on public land may take more work.
I have found the last weekend in oct seems to be less crowded and rooms easier to find Birds on public land may take more work.

Yep. That's the thing with hunting pheasants on public land in October and even early November. It's the last hour or two of the day when you start flushing good numbers of birds. Other than that it's work work work to find birds in the cover. Still fun.

Unless your hunting crops, be ready to do some walking.
Thanks for all the advice. We have chosen Aberdeen as our homebase for the wknd. We are going to fork over a little cash to hunt some private land one day and then we are going to try our luck on the public areas. If anyone has any suggestions for good spots in that area let me know! Thanks!
My advice would to get at least 45-60 minute drive away from Aberdeen (North, West or South) and the crowds will most likely thin out.