South Dakota Bird Report


Active member
Was out at farm last 2 days dropping a trailer off and conditions were similar to when i was out 2 weeks ago. Much of cover and food sources have been consumed by snow. there are birds all over it is just that they are bunched up in only the places that had the heaviest cover, namely tree belts/shelters and maybe a rare cattail slough that had not been filled in by snow all the way. More rain and freezing rain when i left the state yesterday.

Soybean fields seemed to be the favorite feeding area of the birds I saw. The few standing milo plots I saw would be excellent food sources as the heads are staying abouve the snow and they also provide some avian cover.

I think in a winter like this the carry over will be most impacted as birds are going to perish. It sound s like there will be good nesting populations across the state though accordning to reports from other landowners I have. This is one of the most severe winters in a long time in SD.
I wish the report were better.
That's why all the grasslands and CRP won't do anything for the pheasants on these bad Winters.
Patches of Milo and corn. Stuff that supplies shelter and feed is a must during these Winters.
It is surprising how many pheasants will get in the Farmsteads. Especially the ones with good windbreaks. Spilled or waste grain, cattle feeding areas will bring thousands of pheasants through.
Thanks for the report Uguide... I'd have to say my report from Hand. Co. would be about the same... Lots and lots of birds, but most of what I've seen is out trying to get thru the ice in the SB fields. But from what I can tell most are still nice and plump... We'll be fine.

As for the East side of the sate, my drive from Tea to Sioux Falls every morning I've been seeing a real nice group of birds on the North side of Tea, bet there was 50+ birds out there this morning. :thumbsup: