Some pictures


an, it was tough for us the last coule of days. Not sure if the nice weather got the birds in the running mood or what. I also sat the biggest pheasant track I have ever seen I had to wonder if it was a baby turkey. It was enormous!
A couple of the guys I was with got limits, things just didnt pan out for me this trip. Always seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
My dogs got some points though and that is good enough.
My husband decided to go fishing. SO, we drove up, I droped him off at the lake and I went hunting. We did the same on Sat. He ended up with his 25 fish and I ended up with goose eggs for the second time.
But, I got a new camera and a new lens. SO I just started to snap pictures. I am new to this so I was just messing around. Hope you all like em.


A rooster I watched run into a ditch. I could have shot him. But I opted to capture im with the camera.:)

Baja ripped her tongue pretty bad. I put her in a down so I could check her over. It had an impressive blood trail.

I just liked this one

My buddy who limited out..............I had to work through my frustrations!LMAO

Thanks DZ!
A Munsters coat should be dense and lay flat to the body. Any other coat you see that is curly is a fault. I have seen some that look like sheepdogs.
Ha, I just got this camera for christmas. I know not what I do...........But thanks