Sold an article


UPH Guru
a rough draft of which I think I posted here.

Anyway, small publication, ONWISCONSINOUTDOORS.COM
an online and freebie hand-out at Gander Mtn and such, chose to print another article of mine, this one on Mick, first snow, and backyard pheasant.

I'm pleased.
Congratulations. Hope it's only the beginning of your publishing career.
I loved that storey Kis. Congrats! I hope to be published someday or at least record a hit single.:cheers:
should be there in the Jan/Feb 2013 issue, page 9.

My computer is dying in 9 minute gasps of life, so I'm not going to try and hunt the link down now. At 46 kbps, takes forever to load PDF stuff.

and, this is not the beginning, but (deargawdIhope) the ending of getting published. I'm old. :)

and, thank you.
