Snake Avoidance Class


Active member
Just a FYI....

Colorado Gun Dog Association
Snake Avoidance Course
The next course will be June 6th and 7th at Valhalla in Bennett, Co. Our goal is to educate as many dogs, of any breed, as possible to fear and avoid rattlesnakes. You can register by filling out and sending us the attached form and payment. Walk-ins are welcome but registered dogs will be trained first. To register see attached EZ Form. Please forward or share this information with anyone who might be interested in educating their dog. This saves dogs lives!

Check out our web site:

If you have any further questions feel free to contact us

by e-mail or phone:

Or call:

Pam 303-829-4779, Craig 303-521-9639​

Or Fred 303-450-2547

For those of us that are a little further South. Bearpoint Kennels is also doing a snake avoidance class on May 23 & May 24. See their website for more info.

Hope it's OK to piggy back on your post Chad. Don't see the need to have two posts on the same subject.
All 3 of our boys have been through it. One blinks the snakes ... no indication that there is a snake around, but casually avoids them. The other two both jump back if there is a snake around or act a bit anxious. Back at the beginning of April, I noticed that one of my dogs was acting anxious and jumpy in a field where we normally trained. The next night we went out again and I saw a dead bull snake on the road bordering the training field. No doubt the snakes were coming out and he knew it. This spring, we have already had a couple of bull snake encounters, and all chose to get away rather than investigate.

I highly recommend the snake avoidance clinics!

There is also going to be a snake avoidance class held at both of the Cabela's. The Cabela's in Thronton is going to be on May 30th and the Cabela's in Lonetree is going to be on May 31st. Both are hosted by Rocky Mountain Sporting Dog Club, but I think the actual class is by the same guys out of TX.

CO_Weimar - Agreed... I think it has been the best fifty couple dollars I have spent. My dog Reese (GSP) casually avoids them, only for the rattler to give me a freight. But I know if he makes a bee-line rather than quartering ---- Somethings up!
The scheduling worked best for me at Bearpoint so I took 1.5 yr old Brady down for his second session. The first was at Bearpoint at 8 months. It was apparently a needed session because he had forgot his lesson and went right in on the first snake. A strong electric "reminder" and he demonstrated excellent avoidance during the rest of the test.

My normal schedule is the first one between 6 mo to 1 year--minimum age is 6 mos. I do another session 1 year later, then skip a year, they do another in two years.

I have followed that schedule with all our labs once we learned about the training, unfortunately after Cody was struck on the nose out behind our house near Cherry Creek Res. After a healthy dose of credit card, he survived and made it to 13.5.

When I took Parker out to Valhalla last summer (3.5 yrs then) after skipping a year, they couldn't get him within 50 feet of the first snake. And no, they don't refund your money. I had to ask.

So that's my plan and I'm sticking with it.
Hey guys. I came across this post a little too late.

Does anyone know of any snake avoidance classes coming up yet this summer? I checked out both sites in this thread, but didn't see any upcoming classes.

I almost stepped on a rattlesnake over the weekend up the Poudre Canyon with my dog not too far away. Put the fear of the fang in me.

my dogs were walking along a trail in highlands ranch. both of them jumped about 4" straight up in the air just as a big bull snake went after them. take your dogs for a walk on the far west end of highlands ranch for a little training. :thumbsup:
My dentist was telling me about another patient who had two GSP's. Both went to snake avoidance class...both also got bit after the training.

Don't assume that it always works. Use some common sense as to where you take your dogs.