Well-known member
Sometimes you just have a turbo.
Super helpful. Will definitely work on both of these.In the off season find some large field to just run her in weekly. When ever she gets out past 35 yards turn and change direction drastically . When you do you can signal her with a low whistle tote or a vibrate on ecollar or nothing at all . She will realize you're not with her she will eventually come find you. Do that about 100 times over the course of the off season and her default range will be much closer. That's the way to teach a teenage pup to hunt close right from the the get go. All that being said it does not solve your problem of chasing flushed birds. That you will need to set a situation with a live pigeon. Then use the ecollar accordingly. Two of three session of that should do the trick. The good news is you have 9 months to work on it. Good Luck!