Simson was just a name Merkel (post war) used to sell guns in places that Germans were not well received, mostly Great Britain. If it is pre-War then it was actually made by Simson. Simson was mostly known in E. Germany as a motorcycle company.
Not sure the model but if it has the Q stamp on it, then it is a higher quality export gun. Sure looks like a Merkel.
Can you post the stampings?
I believe that is correct so would almost certainly be Merkel made gun.I read something online that possibly the 450 stamp would indicate it was made April of 1950
Is that 450 in the last picture the date, signifying April of 1950? Engraving looks close to a 12 guage I have from 1965. Mine has extractors, not ejectors.
My 12 on top (with another unmarked German 16 from 1919 below it)