Shortage of shot shells

Keep looking! Seriously, stop by local Wally Worlds daily and other sporting goods stores like scheels etc. They get shipments all the time the key is being there when the shelves are stocked. I am seeing more stuff on the shelves locally (central MN) as we get closer to seasons. Your other choice is to shop on line, Rogers or Macks Praire wings have some stuff in stock. Good Luck!
Start looking a 2 months ago😜 I live in Omaha, have had good luck at scheels, Walmart, guns unlimited. I went to three Walmart’s everyday to get three boxes of dove loads. Your probably not gonna get exactly what you want but something comparably. I like Federal PS but won’t pay $27 a box. Found a couple cases of Winchester xx 4s and 5s. There not as fast but I’m gonna put them in my pocket and pretend they’re PS and blame something else on why my birds ain’t coming down.
I found some last month. Simply looking online isn't going to cut it. Many retailers aren't even updating their current inventory since it sells so quickly anyways. Get your shoes on and go physically look at shelves in the store. It may require a fair amount of time and running around but its your best chance. That's how I found some.
Disagree. I have found everything is available on-line. That said, they do not last long (often a day max) and you have to use the right searches.

In the last 8 weeks I have purchased the needed 12, 16 and 20 ga. shells. Most all "levels" of Federal and Fiocchi have been available on one day or another. I have passed on Federal PS ... I do not use them. They popped up often in July.