selling state hunting ground

I just read on another forum that the gov of IA has brought up the issue of selling state hunting ground to the public. Wish I could show the article but don't know how to do that. The guys big on state hunting issues so it should be correct. I feel this is a bad idea what do you think.
The Iowa DOT routinely sells land that they purchased for road construction projects. Typically small parcels next to roads. Maybe this is what they are referring to.
That would make sense but he clearly states parks hunting recreation areas. He's on duck hunting chat the IA forum if you what to look.
This is the article . Hope its legal to do this. He did say pass this along to all:)

Early Today I was doing some talking with a friend up on the hill and found out that the Governor had sent over the issue of selling state lands to the hill. That's right they have committed generational theft and now to sustain their rate of spending they wish to take YOUR Deer, Pheasant, Turkey, Waterfowl, Fishing, Camping, Hiking , trapping, natural areas and put them up for SALE.

Pass this along to all you know and make dang sure you contact your senator & representative and tell them that you oppose such a measure of any kind. It is time as sportsmen of Iowa to defend what it is that has taken us 70 years to get.

We have to defend our fish & wildife department folks. All that they have done , we have done togeather could be sold Off.

This is not just hear say folks this is absolutely 100% accurate. They started talking about the subject today up under the dome in DM. With less than 2% of Iowa's land , public recreation we can not afford to let them pillage our public lands for their own mismanagement of state revenues.

Thank you for your time and I hope you are outraged as I
I will be interested if anyone has more info. I do know that Terry Branstad started the Iowa Governors Hunt when he was in office, and I think he is going to run again.
Here is quote from

As an example of the efficiencies Culver is pushing, he said the state owns about 8,000 acres of land, and he is pushing to sell up to 10 percent of that. He said the state once operated farms near state prisons worked by inmates, but that practice has stopped and the land can now be sold.

It's just farm land. In these economic times it sounds like a good idea to me.
I doesn't help and it doesn't hurt it either. Hopefully it will help with the budget problems.

Turn on your PM or maybe you NC Iowegians just don't like to talk to people form other parts of the state.
I wish we could fix the economic problems of our state with the sale of a few thousand acres. I will agree with MMD's perspective on it not really helping or hurting anything.

Let me also put my vote in for conservation oriented chain gangs. Large fields of native grasses full of forbs and legumes get my vote over license plates anyday of the week.