Seeing any Rabbits ?

The crow thing reminds me of the last great natural plague scare, by the vets, and pharma companies. West Nile Virus. All the horses and all the bluejays, songbirds, and crows were going to succumb to West Nile. Great expense and research was launched, shots given. We seem to have plenty of crows and bluejays now. I was a racehorse guy at the time, never saw a confirmed case. Like Y2K, all our clocks and cars would die at midnight, right, like my car knows what time or day it is! As an aside and to emphasize the point I walked my little one to school this morning and there was a crow eating a dead rabbit up the road.

Not to get too far off topic, but two friends went out crow hunting at Tuttle a couple months ago and shot 200 rounds each at one location. They only quit because they ran out of shells. They described it as a "poor man's" argentina dove hunt.

I have seen the area firsthand, and the numbers of crows... It's indescribable. They are LITERALLY everywhere you look. Hundreds if not thousands in the air at all times.:eek: