Seasons are changing.

Rogue Hunter

Active member
The wheat has turn golden and next week should see some harvesting going on. I was running the dog this A.M. and saw three leppard frogs in the short grass prairie two hundred yards from water. Seasons are changing.
Its gonna be sweltering here today too. The heat index is supposed to be about 104 and we are about 6 inches behind on rain.
No, I mean: June 21st (most years) signals the longest day of the year and the march begins to the time when deer commence the rut based on daylight hours; wheat is ready for harvest (Minnesota) +/-4rd week of July; July/August, Leppard frogs can be found moving over dry land, hundreds of yards from marshes, etc....there are many things in nature that mark the passing of the seasons beyond static measurements on a calendar or degrees on a thermometer.
I believe it. My dogs energy levels have gone through the roof even though it’s hot out and they are not brought into the house until about two. I can’t swim them because we lost the wind and everything is stagnant. The full moon the other day, wowza, the one completely lost her mind.
We are low 50s right now, the cicadas have been singing for a couple weeks now. Don't know anything about leopard frogs. I do know we need some rain. It will get back to the mid 90s next week, so we have some time yet, to button-up our summer projects.