Dcast- I do opener every year so I won't see you this time. I often don't have a dog with me anyway with just one other guy to walk with his dog in my group, depending on how the hunt is working out. On a previous version of this site I went by 2LeggedBirdog which sums up my role in the hunt- fire off both barrels of the O/U and then get in the ditch. I stopped that after a few too many "get back in there" after coming back without the bird. That and my old hips getting sore.
I hunt by principle, not law so I don't even need to consult a rule book on cattle. If I can see them, even on the horizon, I don't get out. I've seen cattle startle across even across the whole section from gunshots. Cattle in a fence or ditch is nothing I want to be the cause of. I'll double the distance from a driveway or buildings as well and not shoot in their direction just in case.
I've think what I'm going to do is show up at the farmers door as I'm scouting these sites and let them know my intent to be on the school land adjacent to them. I suppose I'll get a mix of- your maps wrong, I was saving that for friends, etc. But I bet I'll also get a few permissions to keep going on a few sloughs where I would have stopped, trying to stay within the lines, for just being polite.
I hunt by principle, not law so I don't even need to consult a rule book on cattle. If I can see them, even on the horizon, I don't get out. I've seen cattle startle across even across the whole section from gunshots. Cattle in a fence or ditch is nothing I want to be the cause of. I'll double the distance from a driveway or buildings as well and not shoot in their direction just in case.
I've think what I'm going to do is show up at the farmers door as I'm scouting these sites and let them know my intent to be on the school land adjacent to them. I suppose I'll get a mix of- your maps wrong, I was saving that for friends, etc. But I bet I'll also get a few permissions to keep going on a few sloughs where I would have stopped, trying to stay within the lines, for just being polite.