S.W. Produces


Active member
Hunted on the way down Friday and then through Sunday! Hit a couple WIHA's and me and a buddy got into some! 3 down, should of been 6. Saturday hit some private and it was incredible and 4 of us limited up and were going to hunt some chickens but the wind that blew in, ended that in a hurry!!!!Sunday was good and 4 of us shot 8 by noon and many escaped our best efforts. Then we kick up 45-50 chickens, of course the season had to end 1 day earlier!!!! Kicked up 1 covey of Quail , about 25, all are still happy!!! All the Roosters were old birds but 2!!!!!

:coolpics: and:10sign:eek:n the pics with the dog
Pretty, pretty, pretty! Beautiful pictures.

Congratulations on a super hunt.
Thanks for the pics and story. I like the looks of the dog in the last pic, and the long spurs on that bird. What kind of dog is that? I like its markings.
Thanks for the pics and story. I like the looks of the dog in the last pic, and the long spurs on that bird. What kind of dog is that? I like its markings.

GSP, Those two are my pups from Bleu and do well at 11 months old! Monster spurs on all but 2 birds and long tails. One tail had white on top and bottom of the tips of his tail feathers.
Great post and pics. Shows what some snow can do for hunting.
still love that shotgun bleu, what you think of that gift that oklahoma st got last night?

Man , I sure would of liked to see those High powered offenses against great defensive teams!!!! Even the Ducks and Wisconsin were looking to put up a Hundred !!!! Crazy!!!! The Stanford kicker probably just failed all his finals and is ineligible next year!!!!!LOL!!!:cheers:
Glad you got into some birds out there Bleu:cheers:

Saw as many birds as last year!!!!!!!!!!! But, last year the cover and habitat was incredible and You know you are not seeing all the birds that are there!!! This year, the cover and habitat is so sparse and with the snow, I know I was seeing every available bird. With a good Spring and Wheat harvest things will get a lot better fast, as there were lots of Hens and ample Roosters. Probably 3:1 Ratio!!!
Bleu thats what I have been seeing out there all year. A lot of the locals I talk too think I'm crazy or making stuff up. I couldn't believe all the birds I saw out there last week.
Nice pictures!! I saw good numbers out west last weekend. Went deer hunting today in North Central. Saw two roosters crossing the road. I guess there are still a few left in my area!!