Rush/Ness Counties


New member
What is the CRP situation in these two counties? Hunted Graham on the opener and found several honey holes mowed to the dirt. The farmer renewed his CRP contract after he hayed the ground, it will be at least two years before the birds recover. I was wondering if these two counties to the south experienced the same and what it did to the hunting this year. The portion of Graham that I hunted was way down.
I've hunted the Rush/Great Bend area twice in the past three years... so I don't have a ton of experience in that particular area. But, I can tell you that in my short tenure, I've seen most of the good property leased out.

If you've seen land that is/was CRP, and isn't any longer, I'd say the contract ran out. It's been a few years since a drought emergency allowed the farmers to bale/graze the CRP, so my only thought is the contract expired - or you would have at least seen short grass.