Little different approach.II have never known a pheasant not to run as far and fast as possible. I do have a couple of tips
1. Always have a blocker, at the end of the cover.
2. Always hunt towards a good break in cover, not toward infinite cover or toward property that you can't pinch them at a break
3. Never, never give up until the very last of the cover has been well gone through, and even then keep an eye on your dog
That's good advice! I learned that lesson a long time ago. Worn out and thought, no way there's a bird in there. Turned back toward the truck and had a cackling rooster "laughing at me" as he flew away.3. Had a friend tell me to always keep walking to the end of the field AND touch the fence.
Same order for me when my wife says "I think we should put up the Christmas Tree."In my experience pheasants run first, hide second, fly third.