Rolling Plains Quail Research

Interesting video, thanks for posting. The fact that non government funding/involvement and local action has already begun to solve the problem is something to think about.
Thanks for posting. I think there was an article in one of the dog magazines (pointing dog journal I think) about the eye worms.
What barriers exist that might keep those conditions from being here? I'm guessing that these problems are range-wide. It will be greater and lesser from area to area as the other vectors are more or less abundant! Further, other biological stressors may well increase the problem in some areas. I'm sure there are other variables that could figure in like genetic differences in the vectors, the quail, and the parasites themselves. They are just opening this can of worms (pun) and there is far more to learn. If the biological stressors are cyclic, so too may be the parasite. It's all part of a larger web, and if or where we can find a weak link to break it is yet to be seen.
What barriers exist that might keep those conditions from being here? I'm guessing that these problems are range-wide. It will be greater and lesser from area to area as the other vectors are more or less abundant! Further, other biological stressors may well increase the problem in some areas. I'm sure there are other variables that could figure in like genetic differences in the vectors, the quail, and the parasites themselves. They are just opening this can of worms (pun) and there is far more to learn. If the biological stressors are cyclic, so too may be the parasite. It's all part of a larger web, and if or where we can find a weak link to break it is yet to be seen.

Yes many factors are involved. It is never what it appears to be on the surface.