Rockport Pheasant Farm NJ


Well-known member
For any of you guys that also hunt in NJ,the Rockport Pheasant Farm sustained heavy damage in the recent October snow storm. Many of the pheasants have escaped or were suffocated. Seems to be a lot of this going around! They are not sure how this will effect the stocking,NJ releases about 50,000 ringnecks a year.
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I wonder how some of the game farms/preserves made out with this snow. The preserve I go to said they had to clean things off a few times during the snow but they didn't have any problems.
It was a strange storm,the Rockport Farm has been there since 1935, it must of with stood all kinds of blizzards, yet this storm did it in, go figure.

It looks like week end stockings won't be effected, just during the week releases. Believe it or not NJ does a pretty decent job of stocking!