road conditions

I want to thank everyone for their input. I did not have the time to drive down to Dodge City area, so I just went for a day trip from Colby to Wakeeny. This was Saturday. The conditions were very dry, even had quite a bit of dust as I drove on the county roads. There were several WIHA areas that had great cover, but it was very windy and the air was dry. The pheasants were very spooky, and this was expected, but I saw pheasants flush 150 yards away just by stopping on a road and looking, not even opening my car door.
I did manage one point by my young English Setter, but it was a hen.
I saw so many WIHA that were corn stubble. Not sure why those areas are enrolled. I like wheat stubble (mid calf high), milo stubble, but corn stubble ankle high?
Again, thanks for the replies, and I will check out the Garden City to Dodge City next season. At least I have my 2017 license ready for next season.


WIHA isn't just for upland hunting. It's for waterfowlers too.