Red Rocks Vaccines


New member
Any of you guys heard of the new Red Rock rattlesnake vaccine? The vet told me it was new and would help the dog if he gets bitten by a rattler..
Not sure how new it is. I know it's been out for a little while now. If your going to be hunting in rattlesnake country then I think it is absolutely a good idea. From the little that i have read it neutralizes the venom immediately, reducing swelling etc...

You might also want to look into snake break training if you are going to be spending time in rattler country as this will teach the dogs to avoid them altogether. Other than the dog just running into one and getting bitten from incidental contact, the training and vaccine are a good two step approach to protect your dogs.
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Yes, it has been out a while as we have had our dogs vaccinated several years now. We have fortunately never had to see how it works, nor have any of my friends. I view it as insurance to buy some time to get to a vet should I need to. We also have our dogs go through the snake training a couple of times each year.
Are those dang things out all year down there?

Depending on where you are in the state, yes snakes are out a good portion of the year. It doesnâ??t stay cold enough to keep them hibernating for too long in the central and southern portions of the state. The nighttime temps can be at or below freezing, but it can warm up shortly after sunrise to where the snakes will be on the move. I went deer hunting a couple of weeks ago down south and it was in the low 20â??s over night, but warmed up to the 60â??s during the day. We saw 2 snakes around mid day out sunning. Weâ??re heading to the Big Bend area in a couple of weeks for quail hunting and it will be the same. Cool to cold overnight, but it will typically warm during the day. As a result, we use the vaccine and snake training in an effort to mitigate the potential problem.
marble spleen vaccine

i am looking for marble spleen vaccine for a farm of pheasants

any feedback would be greatly appreciated!