Red neck hunting club.

you know I pay a little extra to get the one hunting show I like on the cable station I subscribe to. It occassionally will have a pheasnt/ quail hunt on.
You know I like to watch the other hunting shows , deer hunting, elk hunting and such but don't care to much for some hunts advertised like African hunting and some expensive Texas hunts or the like. I guess I know I can not afford it so it doesn't really interest me.
I would like to see a channel on cable called red neck hunten, pheasant hunting, quail hunting, deer hunting by an old country boy. Bib overalls, red sweat shirt, old orange John Deere huntin hat, using an ole 30-30 or a ole winchester, remington shotgun.
Is there any body else out there feel like I do, if not that is fine, just want some though.
Hell we aught to start an ole red neck hunting club.To be a member You
Must drive an ole truck
your shotgun must be plan and simple and not cost more tha your truck
your dog can not have linage longer than the Queen of England.
Can not show up hunting like ya just came out of Cabelas or Dunns or ?
I believe we could start a club like this and charge dues of $1.25 a year to cover the cost of a membership card. I would even nominate Gove County Britt as President and treasurer as he is a business man and I suspect he is a red neck.
What you all think.
Ideas, other restrictions :) :) :)
I would proudly be the president as long as there were no lenghty discussions on the way things should be run just plain and simple back to basics havin fun and if 1 member had a problem then we would take it to a trial of sourts within the club and depending on the outcome and severity of the offense on howmuch food and drink that person or persons would be in charge of for the annual meeting
sign me up
I just got offen the phone wits the ole brit and he said he would be honored to be the president of the club but aint gonna be no secretary or treasure, he said he wanted a woman to do both jobs, said she can't be no younger than 18 but not over 27, must like dogs, well really he said must like brits, must know how to comb out dog burrs, must drive an old truck, or at least older then his, must have at least 3 teeth, I believe he meant at least 3 on the top as well on the bottom. Must know how to load up shotgun shells in the off time and must know how to cook at lunch time and fetch beers frum the fridge.
Said since he had to pay her the price would hafta go from $1.25 ta $2.25 for prespective members.
He said ifin you were interested in joining ya hafta send a picture of your truck, your dog and your a picture of ya in your hunen clothes so he knows ifin ya is a good prospect. Remember to send in your money and how you want yur name on your membership card. :cheers:
you know I pay a little extra to get the one hunting show I like on the cable station I subscribe to. It occassionally will have a pheasnt/ quail hunt on.
You know I like to watch the other hunting shows , deer hunting, elk hunting and such but don't care to much for some hunts advertised like African hunting and some expensive Texas hunts or the like. I guess I know I can not afford it so it doesn't really interest me.
I would like to see a channel on cable called red neck hunten, pheasant hunting, quail hunting, deer hunting by an old country boy. Bib overalls, red sweat shirt, old orange John Deere huntin hat, using an ole 30-30 or a ole winchester, remington shotgun.
Is there any body else out there feel like I do, if not that is fine, just want some though.
Hell we aught to start an ole red neck hunting club.To be a member You
Must drive an ole truck
your shotgun must be plan and simple and not cost more tha your truck
your dog can not have linage longer than the Queen of England.
Can not show up hunting like ya just came out of Cabelas or Dunns or ?
I believe we could start a club like this and charge dues of $1.25 a year to cover the cost of a membership card. I would even nominate Gove County Britt as President and treasurer as he is a business man and I suspect he is a red neck.
What you all think.
Ideas, other restrictions :) :) :)

Lets do it!! I would buy an old truck to get to play:thumbsup Bet if we filmed it some cable channel would pay for it;):D
see the above message, Gove County Britts address is, oh hell I anint got it, gotta get it from him, not many replies here, hope I aint stepped on some guys toes. Just dont send pictures of your K 80s, your $56,000 truck and go to the goodwill and buy an outfit and borrow the maids ole coon hound and say itz yourns. Hell ole Joe won't know no difference, just didnt mean to hurt noones feelings, ifin I did well :cheers::cheers:
ole joe said dont worry bout it you are the first honorary member, just send him your mailing address and when he hires a woman he will get your honarary membership card out.won't cost ya anything but a beer. :)
Sounds good to me. define Please, how old ur truck has to be? Do I qualify with a $25 single shot 410?:thumbsup:
well JMAN I recon it don t really matter how old it is so long as it is a truck, it aint shiny and all preety, has had mud on it and ifin it were buried to its axles a time or two it is even better. Must have a gun rack in the back winder a bubble head pheasant on the dash board is a plus but not necessary. I recon ifin it looks older than it really is will work, what you all think. As far as the single banger 4 and ten, hell yeh that will work, I had one till last monthe when I gaves it ta my 10 year ole huntin buddy. :cheers:
if anyone is interested in the club and a card pm me with your address and your information and i will get you a card with your information on it
I just talked to the ole GCB dude and he said I need to change some of the requirements, he said he aint got no gun rack in his bak winder cause it tis to fur bak to reach in his truck. He said some guys aint got no truck but has a SUV or such and we aint gonna discriminate against them. And if your dog is a pedigree dog with papers and all, well he said can't hold it agin ya. So he is wurkin on a card fur you to carry signed by him as prezident and all making ya member of the Red Neck huntin club. Ya aint gotta send no picture of your truck, dog, gun or x wife just send the GCB a pm with yur info and maybe he ll send ya a card. don't know if he fired a sexetary yet or not so dont hold yer breath to long waiting fur your card, but it will be comin. I promise ya that.
Well I'll be, A club where I fit in.
everyone fits into this club whether they want to admit it or not 99.99% of peaple who hunt have a redneck bone most of us are just more intune with the redneck bone than others :D
i do have a couple talking bass on the shop wall. then you might be a red neck
UPH members,
you heard the word from the Redneck hunting club prezident,GCB, you all minus the .01% are natural members so keep the Prez busy by PMing him your address and he will EVENTUALLY send ya a membership card. He may look into hats once we get our UPHing hats :I am PMing him now withen my address now.
Jim the redneck copheasanthunter
I will join only if I can be the Judge in the Kangaroo Court or make that Possum Court for all the rule breakers!!!!:D:D:D:cheers:
we will haft ta look at your credentials, you must know how to write, sypher, talk knowledgably and be fair but have a stong hand. :) you will hafta figure out fines for those red neck rule breakers and all.
Well Gove ya knows Bleu whats ya thunk or I mean tink.
Will we have to swear him in or just swear at him :)
waiting fur your response Joe.
I would venture to say just swear at him alot he has big sholders but a weak knee so we may have to be carefull at least until he gets the knee fixed :D