Recommended areas for combo pheasant/quail hunt

That map is really cool, but it's for '08. I just meant that the birds weren't that great around Kismet last year, so I was wondering if dogman or anyone else had been around there this year? I'm sure it'll probably be good just about anywhere in the sw though.

Swing and a miss on my part. I thought it was a map for this year. I know there was a hail storm this year in Rooks county that is shown as having one last year. There were a couple of localized events in counties on the E side of KS that were similar to what the map shows. My apologies for leading you astray.
No problem bud. It's a great map. I wish I was computer literate enough to update it for this year.

In my case, computer literate and motivated enough to make a new one. I could find the information needed to make one, but getting around to figuring out how to plot it on a map is a whole other story.
I'd like to make a KS or NE trip for quail and pheasants one day. What is the best shot size to use when one could get shots at either in the same field? I like 7 1/2 for quail and 5's for pheasant.
Thanks. What does it look like up around Plains and Kismet?

I spoke with a friend that lives in Copeland yesterday. He's hearing that numbers look real good between Plains and Copeland. I've seen lots of birds and great cover between Kismet and Sublette. As far as between Plains and Kismet I can't say. But year in and year out that area is always good. The only problem with that area is that so much of that ground is now pay to hunt. Its getting harder and harder to get on private ground.
Steele I find that a Fiochi 2 3/4 #6 out of a 20 gauge works best for me. It is a little heavy for quail and a little light for pheasant, but it is the best compromise I have found. I then carry #5 in one pocket for pheasant and #8 for quail. Some days I feel like I am continously switching back and forth.
6 shot sounds like a good compromise. What's the 20 ga. 7/8 ounce? I'm thinking about heading out in mid December. I guess I need to load up on 8 shot thru 5's. When I hunt waterfowl I usually have the big shot close by and change shells when I hear geese honking. I'm sure the experience guy has a good idea what he'll run into in a particular area. I'll start with 6's til I can flatten out the learning curve. Thanks for the reply.