
shoot it, eat it

one time on one of my bow hunts i shot a pine marten, took it back to camp and grilled it. that's the last time for that. tasted horrible

Does anybody know of someone who offers snake avoidance training in the Midwest? Found a couple guys in Arizona and wyoming but that's a little far.
I'm a camp meat type guy. :)
Sept MT badlands, not hard to find a rattler. Sure don't want the pups to think I'm hunting them. :eek:

Bleu, How do You go about cleaning a Rattler?

Easiest critter to clean! Split them up the middle after cutting the head off. Go down from the neck to the tail or beginning of the rattles. Skin or pull the skin down to the rattles. Be careful towards the end if you want to keep the rattles attached to the skin. Cut rattles off after you skin as far as you can. Now, pull the guts down from top to bottom and they come out clean and fast. You might want to nail the snake to something as they will still be moving while skinning if it is fresh. Even after an hour they still move with nothing left in them. Wash it off and cut into 2-3 inch pieces and use whatever mix you want to deep fry. You will have to pull the meat off the bone. Use your teeth or fork. Sort of like a fish.:cheers:
No Bleu,

They do taste good, but they do more good when they are alive. I don't like killing them just because they are snakes. I will kill them if my dog will not back off. But they are mostly harmless if your paying attention. :thumbsup:

I do not snake hunt. but if is necessary I will kill them. If I kill them i will not waste them!:cheers: