Rathbun WMA-Any info.regarding this area?

I have not been there since the early 1970's but it was vast, had milo fields, farmed for wildlife, If there are birds left in Iowa, surely they are there! But it in BIG fields, some un-harvested, deer every where, and very difficult to hunt alone, a couple of guys with an army of dogs would help. It gets a lot of pressure, and birds are educated, ( but what else is new). It would be impossible to hunt it out. There used to be quail there as well, at least as spooky at the pheasants! Let us know how you do.

Hello ShaneW,

Agree with everything old and new shared!:)

This is one of the larger areas of continuous cover in Iowa! Much cover and a vast area. I hunted this area once with friends and we did not walk the same area twice! Big is an understatement. That said, it does receive quite a bit of hunting interest and the birds there are savvy!:p

Let us know how you do and good luck!:)