Raptor in the Back Yard


Well-known member
Is this an immature bald eagle? They do migrate to this area and spend the winter.

Could be, I can't tell for sure from the Pic. Could be a juvy Red tailed Hawk???
With his bluish gray head and neck and big size, I am sticking with immature bald eagle. It would be a large, mature red tailed hawk if that's what it was. But after looking at some red tailed hawk pics, some of them had head and neck feathers lighter in color than their back feathers. Maybe it will hang around. Whatever it is, I love it.
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Looked at it again, and I can't make out what it is for sure. The beak looks to small for an Eagle, which is why I, thought Red Tailed. But it is cool. It's hard to tell from the Pic. Let us know what it is if it sticks around.:cheers:
I'd guess Redtail, too.
They are pretty common around here, and I think the beak would be yellow if it was a bald eagle.
Raptor Back

It was on the swing set again this morning. I think y'all saying it's a hawk are right. I could not get a photo because it was facing the house and it spooked when I went to open the slider. Big bird.
Tail looks like Redtail to me. I had one on my back porch and I have a print in my livingroom. The Redtails summer in our area. The big migration of all hawks is on in October in SD and the weather dictates which kind and how long they stay. See more eagles every year. There was an adult and 3 juvies at one of my duck slews last year.