Random Trip Pictures


Active member
Went out last weekend for a couple of days. Carried the camera all day on Sunday.

Do you see the bird?

Radar on point

Radar, with Grady backing.

Grady on point in milo.

Same point

Radar, the first dog is a rescue that came into the program. The orginal owner was going to take him out and shoot him, and the original owners wife convinced him to take him to the shelter. The shelter called me and I fostered him for quite a while. I decided to keep him and start him on birds. He's really come a long way, from bumping and chasing prairie chickens early this year, to him now find and holding down quail and pheasants. He's still a bit nutty sometimes, but... :)
My V is pretty nutty too :) Pretty dogs... Hope to get mine onto some birds within the next couple weeks.
Great pics! Thanks for posting.