Raining cats and dogs


New member
Wow Rained hard this am. 4 inches in three hours. Flooding the washes and flooding the normally dry river beds. Stranding motorists all over the central desert. All the water holes will be full just in time for Dove season.:thumbsup:
Glad to hear you are getting some much needed rain down there. Only thing falling from the sky around here is ash from the forest fires.
That is dangerous amounts down there!!! Quess all the quail will be sitting up in the trees and cactus! Good luck dove hunting!!:thumbsup:
It was bad. I dove up I-17 today and the road had mud and crap a foot thick in places. Borrow pits are full of water.

Robert I know the fires are bad for your guys. Hope you get some rain soon
I came up with an original. :eek:


Yeah! I'm unwinding. :confused: ;):cheers:
VERY true though isn't it. :)
Not really, as soon as one burns out another starts. The French fire was about 60 miles from me burned around 14,000 acres as soon as they got it contained one popped up about 20 miles away in a mountain town just up the hill from me and forced around 3,000 evacuations. Luckily they have that one almost completely contained in a few days and it only burned around 1,500 acres. Its a mess in our forests right now. There's been big fires all over the state.
Here too, a all night boomer, could not sleep. Hope those fires get rained out soon for you guys out there. I heard WA state was bad too:eek:. Hope to be making my trip to Seattle in Nov. Judging a trial out there. Was looking forward to the space needle so I can say been there done that.:D
We slowed down some but man this year has been wet wet wet. Never seen anything like it. I guess the 2nd wettest in history. Some fields never got planted. Whats the deal out west them fires stop yet?

I guess I'm about 150 miles North. We had downpours every other day until about the 10 of July. Then the spicket went off, got VERY dry, corn, grass turned brown. Radar showed everything splitting going North or South.
Then:eek: 3 days ago the spicket got turned back on, clouds, humid and rain.
Go figure. :confused:
wow The west valley got hit with another round of heavy rain last night. Roads are closed until they clear all the mud. crazy In two storms just about got yearly rainfall amounts. Going to be muddy for dove season. LOL
holy crap we got 4 inches in about a hour today. rained so hard part of the roof at walmart collapsed. they actually had to close the store down until enginners say it is safe. all the other stores in town were very busy. looked like the zoo closed and all the monkeys escaped:thumbsup:
Life without Walmart, :eek:
We had a "gully gusher" last night too. Lightning/thunder instant, rattled the house, knocked stuff off the shelves, worried the pups. Little Britt jumped on the bed and worked his way up to my face, kinda funny.
It was like "holy crap"! I'm about to go check for damage.