

New member
Looks like one of the days i will be in SD there is a 60% chance of rain (granted that is like 7 days away and i know how whether changes). Any tips for hunting in the rain? I have heard the dog has trouble with scent etc when its raining. Are there any other considerations? Thanks!
I'm far from an expert on this, but last year we had a bad storm (rain) roll through between 2pm and 4:30pm. I waited it out and by the time I got to the field the sun was somewhat attempting to break through the clouds. This field is 50 yards wide & 500 yards long of blue stem that had standing corn where I was planning on completing my 500 yard push and the remaining 3/4 was picked bean field. My thinking was they'll want to get their feathers somewhat dry as the rain had stopped, so I tired this field out due to the majority of the area around this strip was not tall. Right away I observed birds on the edges and pushed this field and got my limit in 40 minutes. I saw so many birds though it was crazy and made for a fun hunt. Although if all else fails hit the thick stuff where they are more protected from the elements.

Good luck!
It was raining one day while I was in South Dakota and I shot a limit in a hay field. Our guide swore they would be in the draws but they were in the hay field where the vegetation was lighter. I got soaked but it was fun and the dog did fine in the rain.