

Y'all getting enough:eek: At the ranch:confused: 6 inches in the last 48 hours.

Been dry, NOT dry NO more.
all was good after this winter...the rain is a reminder that winter is not the only problem when it comes to pheasant survival..often the rain can be more harmful to pheasant populations.. fingers crossed!
Another downpour last night.

You know, where there is heavy cover, thatch and brush young birds can find shelter. If all they have is cattails and low ground during rainy times, chick survival is going to be very low.:(
Temps are warm during the rains that should help.
I just returned from the rural Duluth/Cloquet area from nearly three days of bailing out my in-laws' basement. This rain ain't exactly good for pheasant hunters, either. My thoughts and best wishes to any forum members caught in that disaster up there.