R dogs to blame?

As I was driving my tractor down the road I kicked a rooster pheasant out of the ditch:thumbsup: This use to happen all the time back in the day. So I got to thinking:eek: Are dogs to blame for the decline of are feathered friends? Seems to me that back in the day not many poeple had dogs. And back in the day we had tons of hunters and feathered friends:thumbsup: But as time went on more poeple got dogs and could train them better because of the invention of the shock collar:eek: Hunters then bacame really efficent at finding are feathered friends. and the each year became harder and harder for are feathered friends to hide. Then when numbers became so few land owners said why save habitat because theres no feathered friends left. Making it even harder for are feathered friends. So someone came up with the bright idea to pen raise are feathered friends. Causing weak and not predator smart birds. But this was ok because states made tons of money off this and it gave man the feeling of F### I don't know what:D So it's my thinking that dogs do have a roll in the decline of are feathered friends. And I'm sure if you asked Al Gore global warming too:D
As I was driving my tractor down the road I kicked a rooster pheasant out of the ditch:thumbsup: This use to happen all the time back in the day. So I got to thinking:eek: Are dogs to blame for the decline of are feathered friends? Seems to me that back in the day not many poeple had dogs. And back in the day we had tons of hunters and feathered friends:thumbsup: But as time went on more poeple got dogs and could train them better because of the invention of the shock collar:eek: Hunters then bacame really efficent at finding are feathered friends. and the each year became harder and harder for are feathered friends to hide. Then when numbers became so few land owners said why save habitat because theres no feathered friends left. Making it even harder for are feathered friends. So someone came up with the bright idea to pen raise are feathered friends. Causing weak and not predator smart birds. But this was ok because states made tons of money off this and it gave man the feeling of F### I don't know what:D So it's my thinking that dogs do have a roll in the decline of are feathered friends. And I'm sure if you asked Al Gore global warming too:D

LOL Coots on a roll.
I really think coot is on to something here guys. All of you need to get rid of those dogs.:cheers:
Coots been farming the REAL cash crop!!!! Coot, I heard this in a movie once, "Never get high on your own supply":thumbsup: