Quail season is on


New member
well Friday the 30th is opening day for quail here in AZ. The AZGFD has just put out the small game report. Numbers are down state wide. Scaled and Mearns are in bad shape this year, because of all the fires, during nesting season. I will not be hunting these Quail this year, hoping that will help them recover. Gambels Quail are also down do to the lack of rainfall during the spring. However very large bodies of water/lakes and reservoirs/ have huntable numbers.

I guess I'll be chasing Gambels by the reservoirs. Good luck to all that chase the Quail.:)
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Sorry #'s are so low this season. Wish you luck out there. :)
Thanks 1Pheas4. That post was just a report of the facts. I did not expect any replies. I do agree with azgfd, It's not going to be a banner year for Quail this year.
From the reports in other states it's Par for the course, for this year. I guess this will be a down year. WE WILL SEE, That's why they call it hunting, Not killing.:)
You luck dog, we have to wait until mid Nov :cheers:

Yup pretty lucky, but we might have to wait until mid Nov. for cool enough temps to hunt for very long. LOL:D The forcast for this fridays opener is 105. We will be baking by nine am for sure.
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Well we went out this moring to try the Quail, in the same place, we did last year. Three of us got 6 Gambels in 3.5 Hour. Not good, however it's still hot here. I think the fact that we jumped only one covey of 15 to 20 birds, and the rest of the time, 4 or 5 birds flushed, states that its to hot for them to be coveying up. I think that the Quail are still in family mode. Most of the birds harvested today where juvies.

Did get to help a guy pull his dog out of the Cholla field, and help him find a vet. Thats why we don't use dogs in the desert. The guy was new to AZ, and I guess didn't know any better.

The rattle snakes are thick this year, as is the cottontail rabbits. If you go out beware.:)
sometime I would like to go and take the dogs I think it would be fun. Oh Yea I like to eat snake too!:10sign: