Quail recipe???


New member
I have found a person not to far from me that is selling Quail. I need to get my dog out for some bird finding fun soon. He is getting into trouble and some retraining would do him good.
I would like a good recipe for Quail I have never shot or ate them before. Any help would be great.
Please make it easy I'm always short on time.
I don't know any quail specific recipes. This was the first year that I had actually shot any. I used pheasant recipes and just substituted quail for pheasant. It worked out as most of the time I cook it in a crock pot so I have supper waiting for me. Grilling them whole also is really good. I found some by googleing them though as well.
Wrap them in bacon, a bit of salt and pepper and grill them, or, wrap in bacon, brown in a frying pan, add some white wine, cover and steam for a half hour.
Our last NSTRA trial was at a preserve in North Dakota. The owner of the lodge fileted the breast pieces out of the Quail and then wrapped the meat along with either a jalapeno or a banna pepper in bacon and grilled them. They were excellent.
Our last NSTRA trial was at a preserve in North Dakota. The owner of the lodge fileted the breast pieces out of the Quail and then wrapped the meat along with either a jalapeno or a banna pepper in bacon and grilled them. They were excellent.

I have done lots of cooking with duck where I use bacon wraps on the grill but adding a pepper sounds good, I never thought of that.
Is Quail a dark meat?
I know JMc started a recipe form but this maybe a better location for this thread. I have not recieved my permit from the DNR yet to shoot birds while training the dog. But my friend had some Quail in the freezer so I talked him into letting me cook it tonight for him and his wife.
Dang is that some good meat.

I made KaBobs out of them.
fillet breast
Soaked in italian dressing
placed bannana peppers on meat wrapped in bacon.
addded oinons,Green peppers and mushrooms.
and drank red wine.:thumbsup:
thanks for the cooking help