Quail in the Snow


New member
I'm planning a trip out to Kansas sometime during the first 2 weeks of January, and I'm a little concerned about the weather. I know that snow can lead to some excellent pheasant hunting...but what does it mean for quail? I've never hunted wild quail and my dad has never hunted them in snowy conditions. We're both concerned that snow might limit our opportunities at quail (which is what we want to focus on).
IMO, it's all about the habitat. Like the SD storms and proper cover for the phez, quail is same boat. Depending on where you go -- I would look for the canopy like cover (not hedgerows or timber) but something close to ground. Some of the edge featering and shrubs that can block wind and the drifting would be good too.

I worry more about the thick ice sheets. In eastern KS we got some this week so I'm hoping they took cover and it doesn't hurt them in mass quantities.
I've done great hunting quail in the snow. I just don't do it very late in the day. They need time to get covied up before the night temperatures hit. Plum thickets (almost any kind of thicket) seem to work best for me.