Quail in Eastern KS


New member
I know what your thinking but I gotta say I've been surprisingly impressed with the populations this fall. Some good WIHA around Fall River to big coveys in Allen and Woodson counties. We walked 45 mins Sat in CP33 (buffers) and kicked up 2 coveys with at least 20 birds each.

I'm already looking forward to a nice spring and ideal nesting season. NO ICE!

Habitat works~!
yeah, i hunted out northwest corner out by waverly road. creek bottom and crops were underwater at some point. didn't realize that until i got down there, walked half of it (tons of wiha out there) and kicked up a single that flew west side of the creek into other crops, which i think is still wiha on other side. saw some shells so figured there was a covey at some point that was busted.

any luck with you? my brother works for big oil/gas company and just got permission to hunt all their land. they've got some sizeable tracts south of baldwin near leloup we are going to hit.
I haven't made any trips out there yet. I hunt one field that is on the west side of the lake that has a newer pond on it. We were dove hunting it earlier this year and we kicked up a covey that had probably 30+ birds. The only problem is that the city hunters pound it so hard for deer and turkey that they push most of the birds into private. It's okay though, I've got plenty of ground to hunt out further West. Good luck hunting around Baldwin, I hope that you guys get into a bunch of them...:thumbsup:
I think I know what covey you are talking about. We flushed a covey of quial dove hunting that was 30+. Been down there twice and havent seen anything. I try to stay away from hunting anywhere near a big city. I get atleast two hours away from kc when bird hunting. Everything else gets hit way too hard.
I think I know what covey you are talking about. We flushed a covey of quial dove hunting that was 30+. Been down there twice and havent seen anything. I try to stay away from hunting anywhere near a big city. I get atleast two hours away from kc when bird hunting. Everything else gets hit way too hard.
I agree 100%