Quail are fighting


New member
Yesterday I saw several Gambels roosters Duking it out. First signs of breeding season. I looked around to see if the hens are sitting on nests yet. I didn't see any Hens just roosters. So maybe they are?????

Ditto here in OK. The pairing up has begun, and males are being very vocal right now. Lets hope for some cooperating weather.
Nice job on helping start a quial chapter Jmac:thumbsup: Must of been working in the feild when it was posted. Whens habitat work for quial happen? I might be in pheonix in jan If right time I'd be willing to help (if granny lets me get away). Don't know anything about quial but I work cheap:D
Nice job on helping start a quial chapter Jmac:thumbsup: Must of been working in the feild when it was posted. Whens habitat work for quial happen? I might be in pheonix in jan If right time I'd be willing to help (if granny lets me get away). Don't know anything about quial but I work cheap:D

Coot Thats a great Question. Habitat work is somthing the Biologists with the game and fish, Quail forever will have to formulate/ Recommend. Right now our Chapters are trying to gain members and fill board members. Trying to get the word out about the chapters. It is a slow uphill battle.

If you do make it down hear In Jan, lets do some Quail hunting. Bring your Smoke pole.:thumbsup:
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