Puppy Research - Identifying Litters w/ Bloodlines


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There must be an easier way...

With all the digital resources available: Online pedigrees, forums, Google, AI, etc., I feel like I am doing this the hard way. Looking for upcoming litters w/ specific bloodlines. Hours of wading through pedigrees on huntinglabpedigree.com, looking through tons of breeder websites at upcoming litters, reading each pedigree, time on the phone with breeders, asking if 'anyone knows of anyone'... I know there are others out there making puppies with these prolific genetics beyond what I am running across.

Anyone know of a comprehensive database with upcoming litters? Is there a way to punch in some specific dogs and get a % match of upcoming progeny?

The technology is all there, by maybe not all the data exists or no one has put it all together? Have found some sites that trace offspring, but find many missing holes - seems like it is dependent on owners submitting information to the site. Even then, need to put in the footwork to see if those dogs are being bred and when and it is all after the fact - puppies sold and registered. It all seems to be very word of mouth and a lot of waiting for something to pop up on a forum, classified, or FB group.

Anyone know a better way? My head is spinning and at this point everyone's sales pitch on their dogs is looking the same and does not carry much weight for me. I want to find the strongest traces of the genetics that I know worked for me 15 years back. Anyone that has figured this out: Help would be much appreciated - Thanks.
So not really a direct answer your question but I got my lab through SOK (Southern Oak Kennels) and I couldn't be happier. They advertise more towards the waterfowl side of hunting but he's done very well in the upland fields as well. You can talk to Barton Ramsey (owner) pretty easily and they have great support channels even after you bring your pup home. I picked mine up at their Wisconsin campus, but they have campuses across the country.
So not really a direct answer your question but I got my lab through SOK (Southern Oak Kennels) and I couldn't be happier. They advertise more towards the waterfowl side of hunting but he's done very well in the upland fields as well. You can talk to Barton Ramsey (owner) pretty easily and they have great support channels even after you bring your pup home. I picked mine up at their Wisconsin campus, but they have campuses across the country.

Thanks for the response and that is the challenge. Everyone loves their breeder and their dogs so that is what they recommend. No shortage of recommendations or happy customers. And every breeder is convinced that they have the perfect recipe. I (and others in my hunting group) have followed recommendations and reviews, used 'he with the most titles', breeder reputation, high cost, all as measuring sticks with inconsistent results. My last dog came from a breeder with multiple recommendations, gleaming reviews, and high price tag only to end up with an unguided missile with elbow dysplasia and botched dew claw removal. Results may vary...

Of all the dozens of dogs I have been in close contact with (hunting & home life), the 'best boy' was the last pick of the litter from a local that family that had a top tier sire come in and breed with their dog. No titles by the dam's name, not an established breeder, just a suburban family putting together good genetics for their next hunting dog and selling the rest of the litter. One and done so cannot go back to them for more.
One thing to keep in mind regarding your unguided missile comment, is that genetics can be weird. Even if Dam and Sore were tested for hips and elbows and on down the line before them, there's no guarantee that a pup or 2 can't end up with bad luck on the genetics end and get some odd health issues. DNA is n unfortunate luck of the draw that breeders do their best to manage.

Much like those stories about people that eat right, exercise everyday, never drink or smoke and end up dying of a heart attack or lung cancer at 40 years old for no apparent reason.
Woolley-are you looking for a lab puppy? My female is hopefully being bred this week. Not sure what your time frame is. No, I’m not a breeder. Hoping for a puppy out of AJ. She hunts very well, points a little and has done real well at hunt tests. The male, Jax, also has done well at hunt tests. Both are on huntinglabprdigrees.com. I also own AJ’s sister who hunts really well, but doesn’t care so much about hunt tests. What are you looking for?
One thing to keep in mind regarding your unguided missile comment, is that genetics can be weird. Even if Dam and Sore were tested for hips and elbows and on down the line before them, there's no guarantee that a pup or 2 can't end up with bad luck on the genetics end and get some odd health issues. DNA is n unfortunate luck of the draw that breeders do their best to manage.

Much like those stories about people that eat right, exercise everyday, never drink or smoke and end up dying of a heart attack or lung cancer at 40 years old for no apparent reason.
Yes - I understand that the screenings do not guarantee dysplasia will not show up. The disappointing part was how the breeder reacted when I gave him a courtesy call to let him know it was in those lines (hoping he would use the feedback to better his breeding). He went full on defensive - telling me I could not prove it (despite the top clinics in MN coming to the same conclusion) and my telling anyone about it would be slander.
Woolley-are you looking for a lab puppy? My female is hopefully being bred this week. Not sure what your time frame is. No, I’m not a breeder. Hoping for a puppy out of AJ. She hunts very well, points a little and has done real well at hunt tests. The male, Jax, also has done well at hunt tests. Both are on huntinglabprdigrees.com. I also own AJ’s sister who hunts really well, but doesn’t care so much about hunt tests. What are you looking for?
Yes - hunting for a lab. PM me the pedigree links and I will take a look. Fair warning: Per my OP, I am looking (hoping) for some specific lines.
More than one line I'm looking for, but unequal levels of importance. Which is why it would be great to be able to type in multiple names and get a report of how strong the match is and what litters are upcoming. Looks like that is wishful thinking on my part.

Directly to your question though, I want a litter from this guy: https://www.huntinglabpedigree.com/pedigree.asp?id=24659. This is my 'must have' guy and the closer match the better.

Still cranking out litters from his frozen, but looks like once or twice per year (on FB page). Would be great if there were a tool that could not only show litter strength from a specific dog, but also litter mates, etc. You can manually get there by tracing lines (if the owners have them in the database), but then it is back to the footwork of contacting breeders to see if they are still breeding their descendants, any litters planned, etc. And the further down you go the more diluted the line gets.

Maybe this is an exercise in futility.
Woolybob, I don't know where you are located but here is a site of some Labs in South Dakota. I think the Smobke boys have some pretty good dogs.
Are you looking for a yellow pointing Lab?
More than one line I'm looking for, but unequal levels of importance. Which is why it would be great to be able to type in multiple names and get a report of how strong the match is and what litters are upcoming. Looks like that is wishful thinking on my part.

Directly to your question though, I want a litter from this guy: https://www.huntinglabpedigree.com/pedigree.asp?id=24659. This is my 'must have' guy and the closer match the better.

Still cranking out litters from his frozen, but looks like once or twice per year (on FB page). Would be great if there were a tool that could not only show litter strength from a specific dog, but also litter mates, etc. You can manually get there by tracing lines (if the owners have them in the database), but then it is back to the footwork of contacting breeders to see if they are still breeding their descendants, any litters planned, etc. And the further down you go the more diluted the line gets.

Maybe this is an exercise in futility.
Yes, but I don't want the thread to go off the rails... Per my OP, not looking for recommendations on breeders or all the other great dogs out there. No shortage of that being covered in countless other threads. Was looking for a (less manual) way to research litters based on specific dogs in the bloodline.

Having said that, if you know of an upcoming yellow pointing lab litter with strong Trooper relation - I am all ears.
Have you reached out to a large breeder to ask your questions? Of anyone who would know of a software/website, etc that does what you want I would think it would be a large breeder as that's kind of their gig. Researching bloodlines and what not. If they aren't aware of anything similar, it probably doesn't exist.
One suggestion above is Cashman kennels and the blood line you are interested in is Cashmans Super Trooper. Are they associated? IDK but if so, it would be worth a call!
Yes, but I don't want the thread to go off the rails... Per my OP, not looking for recommendations on breeders or all the other great dogs out there. No shortage of that being covered in countless other threads. Was looking for a (less manual) way to research litters based on specific dogs in the bloodline.

Having said that, if you know of an upcoming yellow pointing lab litter with strong Trooper relation - I am all ears.
10-4... I wasn't going to go down the road of suggesting a specific breeder, etc. (I do have a few if interested LOL) I was looking at it from the specific dog you pointed out. His lineage does not have any of the "main" or big name pointing lab stock such as Rooster Smasher, Cajun of Black Forest, Black Forest's Bear Grits, or Wannamaker's Hot Tub. These were just a few off the top of my head. What is the draw to the dog you identified? I love to hear about different lines and their traits. Thanks for sharing your post and thoughts.
Not sure how the PM works
Here are the two links
Good luck with your search!

Now that is a pairing! Good Lord!!! I know the High Caliber dogs. Andy does a remarkable job and I would get a dog from him in a heart beat.