proud puppy owner


Hey everyone. Who is getting excited. We have just 2 and half weeks to go. Took my 11 month old vizsla out sunday on her first live pheasant hunt. This was her first time with live pheasant as we have only worked with quail and chukar. I could not have been more proud of my girl. It made all the training we have done since i got her in december well worth it. She just amazes me with how smart she is. She made her first point and held it for a solid 2 or 3 minutes within the first 30 yards of the field as i took pictures. She did not budge one inch. This was a victory for me as she has been impatient with the quail and chukar. After i took the pics i got my wife into position for the shot and flushed the bird. One shot downed bird. She ran to the bird and fetched it although it started scratching her as it kicked its feet. She calmy sat the bird down and crunched his head in her mouth and picked it up and brought it back like it was no big deal lol. We had 2 more solid points after that but missed the birds as it was getting fairly windy and they flushed at bad angles. Safety first. Even though it was a preserve hunt with planted birds i was overcome with joy at the success she had being this is the first pup i have started and trained on my own. Makes me want to get out even more for opening weekend. Sorry for the lengthy post. Just hard to contain all the excitement. Pics included for your viewing pleasure.
Thank you matto. I am so glad i was not the one carrying the shotgun so that i could sit back and take it all in. I got to watch all the work we have been doing pay off. I was just in awe at how intense she got. It was way more intense than during any of our training. I think she is gonna be a keeper lol.
great looking dog. she looks pretty calm too. nice!
Thanks brit. she is pretty calm until she gets inside lol. She is a good dog. She has her moments while she is playing but when we are hunting she is all business and listens very well. She has yet to get more than 40 to 50 yards ahead of me during any of our training. The only thing she is unsure of is jumping in the water. That and the fact that she is pretty much fearless so i have to watch out for the stinky critters and porcupines.
Damn nice looking pup!!! She is ready now!!! Thanks for sharing!:10sign:
Thanks bleu..i think we are both looking forward to opening weekend. Especially with the bird reports i have been hearing.
Great looking pup! Doesn't get much better than training your own dog and seeing the progression congrats, Good luck on your season.

Very nice looking Vizsla. I too have a first season Vizsla pup and so far what she's has showed me I'm very happy with. If you want to follow a guy who a super nice Vizsla go to the Iowa forum and follow "nstric" super nice dog !!!

Have a fun season !!!