Problems with Ruffed Grouse Society


Active member
I really did'nt know where to place this in the discussion board, Missouri would be logical but was hoping for some readership from other states where RGS is a bigger factor for some input. I got a letter today, from the Missouri Ruffed Grouse Chapter, with some disturbing information. As briefly as possible, the Missouri Grouse Chapter, after having been affiliated RGS for 30 years, dropped it's affiliation, and chose to join the Quail and Upland Wildlife Federation, (QUWF). the crux of the dissent revolves around the efforts to re-establish ruffed grouse in suitable habitat in Missouri. As many of you know, although originally in the Ruffed Grouse traditional range, Missouri has had a tenious remnant population of ruffs, due to an agressive stocking effort in the 1970's. This population was deemed huntable until this year, when counts were so low, a closure was issued in October of 2010. Response from the Mo. Grouse chapter was to undertake a restocking program, under the direction of the MDC, to try and support the beleagured population. MDC agreed, with the condition that the Missouri grouse chapter raise the bulk of the cost to undertake the project, $25,000.00. In consultation with the RGS, the Missouri chapter was told that 85% of the net amount of any funds raised had to be forwarded to the RGS, leaving the Missouri chapter with the daunting task of raising $165,000.00 after expenses, in order to get the $25,000.00 necessary. In addition, it was noted that RGS had originally funneled $5000-10000 dollars a year to the Missouri chapter. This had ceased in the last several years. I raise this issue to alert all of us to be vigilant, and demanding, in what we expect of our wildlife charities. Also hoping others with more exposure to RGS, can shed some light on this issue, even the possibility that there is a different perspective than the one portrayed by the Missouri chapter. Third, I have no knowledge of the Quail and upland wildlife Federation, anybody want to chime in feel free. I'd like to hear opinions or comments.
QUWF was started last year in response to the problems uncovered in QU operation. Several chapters in my area left QU to join QUWF. Craig Alderman, I believe is the prime mover there & was a formerly associated with QU, had disagreements with them when trying to have audits performed there.
Uphill battle for them to become established but will be strongest in the MO area initially. I think due to some of the active members they will have credibility with MDC.
Another point about RFGS is being made over on Upland Journal site about loss of biologists and salaries of executives. Quite a bit of dissatisfaction with the organization, but still the one with some clout nationally. (have to be registered member to view that section.)
I previously heard about RFGS and how a large majority of the money raised doesn't stay locally, but goes back to headquarters. It's quite unfortunate because it results in much lower support for these grouse than they would otherwise receive IMO.