Problem with a brittany


New member
My brittany retrieves, but doesnt want to bring it straight back to me. When i get his attention he finally comes my way then when he is about there takes off at full speed and just keeps on running with whatever i throw him.. Now i bought a e collar, will this help reinforce here?
If youre just messing around in the yard, I'd try a check cord first. There are a lot of other things you could try before the collar. Different command, whistle, a hallway, alley etc..
I'm sure a collar would work.
When you put a collar on a dog , you and the dog come to an understanding vs. an agreement. JMO
I don't have a problem with a collar, my dogs wear them. I just don't think its necessary when you are playing fetch and he is playing keep away.:)
The yard i wouldnt use it. But there has been times when we were out practicing he just runs off and doesnt pay ne attention to me. Its quite frustrating. I tell ya that.
Overlay the ecollar with the regular collar. This way he understands why he is getting nicked. If you go to just shocking him then he may not know why he is getting shocked.
If the dog is ignoring you in the yard, he will do it in the field. Before you use the collar, the dog needs to know the command that you use for come. Use the check cord to where the dog obeys every time. Then overlay the collar with the check cord. Make the dog obey on first command. If you are going to use the collar use it all the time or at least have the collar on the dog. They become collar wise very quickly.
I have a Brit. Solve your problem with little slices of hotdog which you give him when he drops the bird in your hand on "drop." If your dog knows "whoa," when he veers away with the bird or dummy, whoa him, walk up to him, put your hand under the bird, present a piece of hotdog with your other hand, and say "drop." Also pet his head and say "good dog" after he drops the bird and gets the hotdog. If he won't whoa, some collar stimulation may be needed, but only if already knows "whoa" and he has disobeyed your command.
If the dog is ignoring you in the yard, he will do it in the field. Before you use the collar, the dog needs to know the command that you use for come. Use the check cord to where the dog obeys every time. Then overlay the collar with the check cord. Make the dog obey on first command. If you are going to use the collar use it all the time or at least have the collar on the dog. They become collar wise very quickly.

I agree with sepointer. Do Not use an e-collar unless the dog already knows the command. The dog needs to know when it's "play time" and when it's not. I thought this dog had already been through 2 training programs with a trainer. If so, you shouldn't be having these problems. did the trainer work with you and show you how and what to do? That is as improtant as what he taught the dog. It's sounding more to me like it's "handler error" and a lack of knowledge on the handlers part. You will get some advice on this site but what you really need is some "hands on" help. I'd be heading back to the trainer for a refresher course for both the dog and you.
I agree with sepointer. Do Not use an e-collar unless the dog already knows the command.

Amen. Nicking or shocking a dog that does not know its commands is very bad for the dog. My Brittanys bored quickly of playing fetch, and after they were dialed into retrieving pheasants in the field I never played fetch with them again. I guess I wouldn't put a lot of store in your dog's backyard fetching performance.
Naw he knows what it means, Hes stubborn and bullheaded, we worked on it today out in the field with a bumper, and he did it, but we only worked for 5 minutes at a time, but after a few sessions he got bored and just wasnt interested in it. Thanks guys for your help. I didnt nick him but there is a beeper option on there and i beeped it and he paid attention well..
If you have a beeper collar that beeps when the dog goes on point by all means do not use this the call him or discipline him. Not if you want him to be steady on point when the collar beeps. The beeper is not meant for training.
Zeb the collar he is using, SportDog 800? has a tone option. Wish I would of looked at that earlier. Tone flat out works!:thumbsup:
If you have a beeper collar that beeps when the dog goes on point by all means do not use this the call him or discipline him. Not if you want him to be steady on point when the collar beeps. The beeper is not meant for training.

Tone & the beeper........does a dog really confuse the two? Sorry I had never heard that.
No not that kind of beeper.. I know what thats for. This beeper is on the transmitter, its a warning that if he doesnt listen then hes going to get nicked.
No not that kind of beeper.. I know what thats for. This beeper is on the transmitter, its a warning that if he doesnt listen then hes going to get nicked.

Okay. Got it.
How old a dog? And does he demonstrate this activity at any other time - with or without a dummy? Does he always come when called or whistled?

Just curious.

we have hunted for 2 days now. once that ecollar is on, he listens, now we are home, is comes when he is called and the e collar is off. Maybe he needed a little reinforcement behind "here".. Listening really well now. We pointed 3 roosters today i shot one of them for him and he just brought it to me. He was a little weirded out by the it but finally picked it up and did what he is supposed to... The whistle he responds too. I dont even have to nick him now.
we have hunted for 2 days now. once that ecollar is on, he listens, now we are home, is comes when he is called and the e collar is off. Maybe he needed a little reinforcement behind "here".. Listening really well now. We pointed 3 roosters today i shot one of them for him and he just brought it to me. He was a little weirded out by the it but finally picked it up and did what he is supposed to... The whistle he responds too. I dont even have to nick him now.

Happy hunter and happy dog - can't beat that combo.