Pointing Dog Journal...any good?


New member
Got a card in the mail for a one year subscription for $19.99.

is it worth it? i have never opened the pages of one, but $20 for 6 issues is pretty expensive for a magazine IMO. I would like to be sure before subscribing.
The new FT section provides interesting history with some swell stories alongside the good, but often rehashed, info in the Departments.
It does depend upon your interest...many like the game bird predictions they do.
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Yeah, it's probably worth $3.33 an issue. If you do all your own training then it's probably worth a lot more than that.

I enjoy reading about the different dog breeds, even if the gist of the breed articles is all the same. "This month's featured breed of dog is the best at everything..." :laugh:

I'm sure you wouldn't be disappointed in your subscription of PDJ.

For my money in dog magazines, I like Gun Dog the best, but I enjoy articles about flushers and retrievers also, since I used to have one.

But of all outdoor magazines, Gray's Sporting Journal is still my hands-down favorite. I'm nowhere near wealthy enough to go on 99% of the trips they feature in that magazine, but I appreciate the good writing and photography. I save their bird hunting issues for years. I know I have at least three or four years of the bird hunting issue stacked in the bathroom. :laugh:
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