

Well-known member
If you see anything illegal, call it in right away.Get information, and call it in immediately. Don't wait.These punks need to be arrested and jailed,that way they will pay.
What these people will do, is have someone drop yhem off, and they wear camo.They then are picked up later at a designated spot.They go on posted land without permission.
I haven't ever witnessed someone "poaching" in nearly 30 years of hunting. You can bet your hind end I'd call it in if I knew that was the case though. I generally assume someone that is hunting or fishing is doing it legally and its not my responsibility to ensure they are. Its on law enforcement. That being said, LEOs have a lot of ground to cover and probably are very reliant on people turning in lawbreakers to catch them.

I've also never encountered a game warden or conservation officer in nearly 30 years of hunting and fishing here. I occasionally run into interns or surveyors at lake accesses but never someone with a badge who is enforcing game or fish laws. That is a clear demonstration to me that we need more of them out there.
If I saw someone legitimately poaching (or breaking the law or being dangerous) I'd call it in. Never seen it though. Only once did I find a poached deer. Small WMA in the northern suburbs of the twin cities. There was a doe that had been shot during the archery season laying in the parking lot. Not tagged, and very very shoddily hacked apart for meat. They took the backstraps and chunks off the legs, but I'd estimate they left a good 15+ pounds of meat on the animal. That pissed me off. I didn't call it in, and looking back on it, I'm not sure why I didn't.
Remember, law enforcement has to catch someone in the act to cite them. Or get them to admit to it.

I'm not saying you shouldn't call in a half hacked apart deer carcass, but doing so likely isn't going anywhere.
Remember, law enforcement has to catch someone in the act to cite them. Or get them to admit to it.

I'm not saying you shouldn't call in a half hacked apart deer carcass, but doing so likely isn't going anywhere.
That was probably part of my logic. This was Burman WMA right in Bethel. A number of folks go there to walk or birdwatch, so I should have called it in to at least get the carcass out of there. Don't need folks with a poor opinion of hunting seeing the leftovers of a slob "hunter."
What these people will do, is have someone drop yhem off, and they wear camo.They then are picked up later at a designated spot.They go on posted land without permission.
How am I supposed to know who is allowed on private land and who isn't supposed to be there?
How am I supposed to know who is allowed on private land and who isn't supposed to be there?
Make sure people ask every time they hunt.Dont give people permission for the whole season. These poachers, you won't see them.They will be wearing camo, and hiding. There will be no vehicle.
How am I supposed to know who is allowed on private land and who isn't supposed to be there?

Unless its your land, I would assume they have permission. Don't take measures into your hands unless you own the land. Its not your job to enforce trespass laws, its the job of law enforcement. If you suspect someone is poaching, call it in.
Unless its your land, I would assume they have permission. Don't take measures into your hands unless you own the land. Its not your job to enforce trespass laws, its the job of law enforcement. If you suspect someone is poaching, call it in.
Yeah whenever I see someone on private I'm just assuming they have permission. Not trying to have a Warden hassle guys for no reason.

That said, I'd definitely call in anything blatant that I see.

As for the deer in the WMA parking lot, I'd have called that in. Let a Warden decide how much effort they want to do (and as you said, remove the carcass). A Warden may have called around, talked to anyone who showed up later, etc. Or done nothing. But at least give them a heads up when you see an obviously poached animal.
I haven't ever witnessed someone "poaching" in nearly 30 years of hunting. You can bet your hind end I'd call it in if I knew that was the case though. I generally assume someone that is hunting or fishing is doing it legally and its not my responsibility to ensure they are. Its on law enforcement. That being said, LEOs have a lot of ground to cover and probably are very reliant on people turning in lawbreakers to catch them.

I've also never encountered a game warden or conservation officer in nearly 30 years of hunting and fishing here. I occasionally run into interns or surveyors at lake accesses but never someone with a badge who is enforcing game or fish laws. That is a clear demonstration to me that we need more of them out there.
I've seen poaching several times in Montana, mostly big game hunters.Yes I called it in.I absolutely agree, we need more law enforcement out there.
mostly big game hunters.

The most common type of law-breaking hunters here are deer hunters. Without a doubt. But part of that is because there's just a lot more of them too.

Hunting over bait is not permitted here. And yet plenty of hunters still try to do it. They've really tried to crack down on it with stiffer penalties such as losing a rifle, losing hunting priveleges, and stiffer fines. But people still do it.
The most common type of law-breaking hunters here are deer hunters. Without a doubt. But part of that is because there's just a lot more of them too.

Hunting over bait is not permitted here. And yet plenty of hunters still try to do it. They've really tried to crack down on it with stiffer penalties such as losing a rifle, losing hunting priveleges, and stiffer fines. But people still do it.
These 3 rednecks that lived next door to me years ago,always wanted apples off my tree.I didn't realize they were using them to bait deer.Anither time I watched these 3 guys from Ohio poach an antelope up on the Missouri. They didn't know I was nearby. Luckily I had my binoculars, and was able to get their license number.
Remember, law enforcement has to catch someone in the act to cite them. Or get them to admit to it.

I'm not saying you shouldn't call in a half hacked apart deer carcass, but doing so likely isn't going anywhere.
Not necessarily true.

We had a guy poach a monster buck on one of my farms about 5 years ago. Saw where he dropped the deer and where he dragged it and CO found where he shot from because he left a shell casing.

Some digging around, talking to neighbors and looking and lo and behold, CO sees an untagged doe under one of the neighbors car. Looks around property and they find huge buck hanging in shed. Doe was shot with shotgun slug. Buck shot with rifle, which happens to be leaning against a post in shed. Co asked if he could examine, and same caliber as shell casing. So he impounds it for testing and matches shell casing found on roadway.


Th guy is a real A-Hole too. Methed up, roided up wanna be MMA fighter who has a 1-10 record or something. And he's a convicted felon. So didn't turn out well for him.
Not necessarily true.

We had a guy poach a monster buck on one of my farms about 5 years ago. Saw where he dropped the deer and where he dragged it and CO found where he shot from because he left a shell casing.

Some digging around, talking to neighbors and looking and lo and behold, CO sees an untagged doe under one of the neighbors car. Looks around property and they find huge buck hanging in shed. Doe was shot with shotgun slug. Buck shot with rifle, which happens to be leaning against a post in shed. Co asked if he could examine, and same caliber as shell casing. So he impounds it for testing and matches shell casing found on roadway.


Th guy is a real A-Hole too. Methed up, roided up wanna be MMA fighter who has a 1-10 record or something. And he's a convicted felon. So didn't turn out well for him.
If they can bust one big time poacher per week,they are doing a great job.They are spread very thin,and they log long hours on the road.There are bird hunting poachers as well.These are guys who also poach big game.