Pilot program

Alaskan swamp collies

Well-known member
So there's an e-mail about a pilot program for land access. Is this a resurrection of what they were trying to push through last year with making ND like SD with everything posted?
I haven't seen anything, but I am not in the loop. I sure hope not.....these people will not be happy until nothing is accessible for the DIY average guy. You have a link?
My understanding is that it is a test project of the electronic land posting database. I haven't kept up with exactly how it will look - if the default in the database is 'posted' and if the landowner would need to go and 'unpost' it on the database or vice versa. It is slated to be in 3 counties - Ramsey (Devils Lake area), Richland (far SE corner) and Slope (SW corner). The blurb I saw on the news about it said that the law doesn't address trespassing on electronically posted land (yet) so no idea how this is going to work. Probably mostly testing to see if landowners can figure out the database.
agree.....if it looks like a duck and smells like a duck........then we are pretty sure it's a duck!
Last scuttlebutt I've heard is that it is being pushed by the same legislators that were pushing the no trespass bill last year. Again to make it like SD and have more commercialized hunting. Seems like the cockroaches in the big cities, no matter how hard you stomp them out, they keep coming back until they take over.
It is mainly the people living in SC and SW ND that press for all land posted. The Indian protests did improve their support by some previously on the fence.

Thankfully sportsman groups and city representatives curbed the attack. About 20% of ND people live in Cass County alone. That said it is not a city mouse-country mouse issue. Lots of small town ND has people living there because of the outdoors.

Not just a hunting thing either. Plenty of sloughs are fishable lakes. Ice fishing especially. Access to these are also in jeopardy.
It’s gaining traction, I think it will pass. Supporters are posting signs ND Lock Out. Besides the groups mentioned above there are quite a few landowners that have a tough time getting anything done if someone grossly violates the law, due to all the technical requirements for legally posting your land. Lots of stories of signs getting ripped off. Hell I hunt some pretty obscure places and have observed numerous violations of the law myself. I guess I can understand why this will pass.
If it does pass I don’t think it will be like SD in the fact I don’t think ND will start charging money for access, but a guy will have to get some permission, I like it the way it is now, but it seems like it might be coming to an end.
Plenty of leasing and charging already going on in ND in the core deer, waterfowl and pheasant areas.

ND legislature meets in odd years. So it will not come back until the 2021 session.

The ND Lock Out is not much different than the sod buster posting about 30 years ago. Hunting access was supposed to be banned until farmers could be fully free to drain wetlands as they saw fit...
Plenty of leasing and charging already going on in ND in the core deer, waterfowl and pheasant areas.

ND legislature meets in odd years. So it will not come back until the 2021 session.

The ND Lock Out is not much different than the sod buster posting about 30 years ago. Hunting access was supposed to be banned until farmers could be fully free to drain wetlands as they saw fit...

i don't see ND ever being as popular as SD, they are further away for most hunters and they simply don't have enough lodging and eats (infrastructure)to be commercially friendly.
this is likely to backfire on them, this amounts to a huge no welcome sign being posted, except for the marginal PLOTS ground which is of little value....in the end i don't care what they do.
i don't see ND ever being as popular as SD, they are further away for most hunters and they simply don't have enough lodging and eats (infrastructure)to be commercially friendly.
this is likely to backfire on them, this amounts to a huge no welcome sign being posted, except for the marginal PLOTS ground which is of little value....in the end i don't care what they do.

Curious if you don't care, then why did you post ??
I don't think anyone has the right to trespass on another persons property sign or no sign. When I was a kid I hunted anywhere I pleased. I had no ethics. Now I only hunt where I have permission which usually means a fee